Why We're Launching the Ecommerce Brain Trust Podcast

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I’ve been a podcast junkie for a long time.

I listen to podcasts while cooking, tidying up, when walking pretty much anywhere, and when trying to get to sleep.

I have an eclectic collection of subscriptions ranging from super geeky retail industry trend analysis, to general entrepreneurship discussions and interviews  (when in ‘work mode’), to random podcasts that help me learn Spanish, be a better parent and manage my personal finances.

So when it came time to start expanding the marketing channels for Bobsled Marketing, a podcast was my first pick.

This podcast is going to cover topics and trends in the online retail world. True to our expertise at Bobsled Marketing, we’re going to focus on Amazon first, with an entire series devoted to our beloved marketplace. Beyond the first series, we’ll cover other topics and trends relevant to brands engaging in e-commerce.

We’ll be launching the show in mid-October. Please sign up to our newsletter to stay in the loop!

Kiri Masters