Attitudinal Marketing and 1st Party Customer Data With Vinny O’Brien - Episode 201


In today’s episode, we will talk about the different skill sets required in eCommerce and what the death of the third-party cookie means for brands. We will also discuss attitudinal marketing and how you can acquire your own first-party data so that you're not reliant on cookies in the future.

Make sure you tune in to find out more!

Vinny O'Brien is a multi-channel eCommerce consultant with multi-category experience. Based in Ireland, he is Director of eCommerce in a DTC outdoors brand Crua Outdoors, and runs a conference in the South West of Ireland called the eCommerce Summit.

Social listening is a very effective and cost-effective way for people to start understanding what it is that the consumers are doing.
— Vinny O'Brien


  • Consumers will report on pretty often a bias towards sort of ethical factors in purchasing. But often, the actual purchase data shows otherwise. And the third is more of a bias towards price and value than anything else.

  • Attitudinal marketing - focus on delivering a message rather than traditional ecommerce outcomes:

  • Not demographic behavior, more about statements describing themselves - fashion brands e.g. eco-friendly consumers. Tapping into the attitudes rather than search

  • Metric driven to behavior driven

  • We need to start getting different skill sets into eCommerce. 

  • Activewear brand  (Gymshark) at the start of the pandemic discovered that within 3 weeks of social listening, they understood that mental health was suffering - brought in mindfulness coaches.

  • The ‘organizational chart of eCommerce’ is often not discussed. We need to learn the retail metrics. 

  • We tend to think about marketing without necessarily understanding our brand.

  • There's a really embedded sense of retail, in US eCommerce and to a degree in the UK as well.

  • The end up brand copywriting, understanding how to turn an insight into something actionable, is going to be a key skill that we need to bring in.

  • Continue to understand how best to get 1st party data into your hands and start using it across your business and campaigns.

  • Asking for data and letting them know what you intend to do with it.

  • Welcome series and finding out more from your customers - what we’d like to know more about you and what we know today.

  • Develop a channel strategy, know where your audiences are, develop a strategy to get close to them

  • Focus on the 97% of people who decide to leave your site every day, and figure out how you can best serve their needs.

  • Most companies are not speaking the same language when it comes to profitability and how they look at the contribution margin from different channels. 

  • Politics and silos within companies play a bigger role than we'd like to think.

  • Vinny is currently working on a national capability study across Ireland and the UK. It's a cross company cross category studied to understand where the next phase of training and developments are going to come from, where the skills deficits are, where governments can help in terms of support and policy to make it easier to transact. 


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