Success From Within: A New Research From Bobsled & Stratably - Episode 252



Kiri and Russ are promoting their upcoming research report “The 4 Organizational Factors Driving Amazon Success” in today's podcast. Register for the webinar or download the report next week!

Make sure you tune in to find out more!

Russ Dieringer is the founder of Stratably, a company dedicated to elevating the digital IQ of leading consumer brands.  Each week, Russ creates impactful, practical, and easy-to-digest research that speaks to all layers of an organization, helping them see further around the corner of what’s coming in retail.

What was once a small account, they [brands] didn’t pay attention to, is now a significant driver to their business and a significant driver to their growth.
— Russ Dieringer


Kiri and Russ have worked together on a new report called, “The 4 organizational factors driving Amazon success”, which launches on August 16. We’re doing a webinar on LinkedIn, and there’s a corresponding report that will launch on the same day. 

How did Amazon, once a seller of second-hand books become an org-chart disruptor? Russ’s forecast is that Amazon will reach around $720B in Gross Merchandise Value globally in 2022.

Kiri and Russ share their opinions and estimates, on what has changed during the years, and how brands have been evolving on Amazon during the years.

Amazon has not been given the attention at the exec level that it deserves. Kiri and Russ agree that this is improving over time and that there’s a disconnect on executive experience.

They decided not to share the 4 factors from the report, however, they do talk about 1 or 2 big insights from the report that gives a taste of what it’s all about. 

  • Correlation between executive buy-in on Amazon’s importance and culture of test and learn. 

  • 50/50 split around what the role for Amazon is - growth vs. profit-focused. This really should drive everything too but the KPIs are mostly the same for companies with these different goals.

What listeners will get out of this new report is a clear perspective, backed with data on how growth is impacted by fundamental things like executive buy-in. That data can be used to help support your own initiatives internally - whether that’s around testing new models or investing in supply chain capabilities to support digital commerce. A great way is to share the results in a forum where the goal is to figure out how you’re going to drive profitable growth - strategic planning sessions, for instance. 

To learn more, listen to the whole episode and sign up for our webinar next week!


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